5 Bible Verses About Money to Help You Handle it Better
You may be surprised to learn that The Bible has a lot to say about money. Unfortunately, besides being asked to give money in the offering, I hadn’t learned much else.
I remember when I was struggling financially and in debt, I began to pray and ask for help. We were one check from being on the streets. Our way of handling money just wasn’t working. I believed that if I asked God for help, He would help me. That’s when I finally understood the answers were in the Bible all along.
The Bible can help you handle your finances better. It can help you budget, organize your money, and save.
Here are 5 bible verses about money that helped me improve my relationship and overall attitudes with money:
1. Money isn’t evil
I’ve heard it said many times that money is the root of all evil. This is often misquoted.
1 Timothy 6:10 clearly tells us “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.”
This is why it’s important to go home and read the scriptures for yourself. Money is a tool. You can use it to do good, you can use it to do evil. The real issue lies within the individual with the money not the actual money. If I gave you a brick you could throw it at someone or use it to build a house. Same point here.
Having billions in your bank account doesn’t mean that you love money. Having $10 in your account doesn’t prove that you don’t.
I believe that money doesn’t change people it just enhances who you really are. The only difference is now you have a means to bankroll the true you. If you’re a crumb with $1 you’ll be a huge crumb with millions. If you’re truly kind and generous with $5 you’ll be even more kind and generous with $5 million. Money will show you where you heart truly lies. Let’s not act like people don’t get shot over $20.
2. Debt puts you in bondage
Proverbs 22: 7 Just as the rich rules over the poor, so the borrower is slave to the lender.
Talk about a wake-up call. Whenever we sign on the dotted line we’re so excited we were approved for a credit card, a new car, a loan, a new house. What we really got was a debt obligation and a new master to send monthly payments to.
This is incredible. How many of even realize we are slaves to debt? That bank or company has their hand in your hard-earned money for as long as those payments last.
Our society glorifies getting approved for debt. It even has a nice word, financing. Are we really surprised that something in the Bible is counter culture?
Debt free is the way to be. Does this mean we should never borrow? The jury is still out on that one but I know taking out a loan that you can’t handle is enslaving. You shouldn’t take out a loan without the true ability to repay it. As the borrower you must understand that until the loan is paid back, you are indeed a slave to the institution or individual that wrote the loan.
Once I began my debt free journey I enjoyed the freedom so much I decided I never want to give away my liberation ever again!
3. Be generous
Malachi 3:10
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!
I have heard people argue that tithing is not required in the New Testament. What I will say is this – It is a bold step of faith to start tithing and one I believe everyone should take. To be quite honest, as believers, 10% should just be the bare minimum on our giving journey. God owns it all and no matter where we are on our giving journey, we should always be striving to give more. From my own personal tithing experience, I found that stepping out in faith in this area proved to be quite AMAZING. I have received many monetary and other blessings. And I’m grateful for everyone.
4. We should budget
Luke 14:28-30
“But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it?
Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of money, and then everyone would laugh at you. They would say, ‘There’s the person who started that building and couldn’t afford to finish it!’
Here Jesus is talking to crowds of people about the cost of following Him. But these words also encourage and help me keep my finances in perspective. This was very useful when it comes to spending. I have no business spending money recklessly without sitting down and planning how I’ll spend money that month. To avoid taking on more expenses than income, create a simple budget to help you avoid a disaster at the end of each month.
5. It’s always God over money
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33 NKJV
Do I have money goals? I sure do. Do I want to be struggling living my entire life paycheck to check? No. But no matter what I want in life – God comes first. I will not spend my days on earth educating myself about personal finance to have millions in the bank and to push the things of God to the side. No thanks, the cost is too high.
So just like we chase money to get the things we want, we need to go after the things on God with even more intensity. Be committed to Him first. The additions are secondary.
Having the right attitudes towards managing money is actually very simple if you are sure to remember these five essential elements of handling money God’s way. Money isn’t evil, but it will show you where your heart lies. When you borrow money, you are on the hook to pay away your hard-earned money each month. You should give to your local church, budgeting helps you examine the costs of your choices, and God should always be a priority over getting money.
When you begin to evaluate your handling of money this way — using these 5 Bible verses about money as reminders — you will also begin to notice an immediate and dramatic shift in your response to money.
Did these 5 Bible Verses About Money encourage you today? If yes, share it with a sister in Christ who can benefit from this information.
-5 Bible Verses About Money-
Since school and the church doesn’t teach us a lot about money check out this blog post: 10 Lessons I Wish I Learned Earlier